The morning before Thanksgiving it suddenly sunk in that I was going to have a 5-day weekend heading into Christmas and I had zero plans. So I made some! Within an hour I had a flight, room, and rental car headed towards Sedona, Arizona. I know very little about it other than it’s a beautiful place and is supposed to have a spiritual energy about it that some people are quite attuned to. It doesn’t look like there’s that much to do there beyond hiking, maybe some yoga and massage, and all of that sounds like just what I need.
I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon – other than a failed view of it due to weather on my drive from TX to CA in 1988 when I moved – and since that’s an easy day trip from Sedona, I’m going to do that as well.
I will arrive in Sedona Saturday afternoon and leave on Christmas Day. Beyond the day trip to the Grand Canyon on Monday, I don’t have anything else planned. Which is my most favorite thing and very rare: a few days of make-it-up-as-I-go-along.
It’s been a heckuva year, with some big stuff happening at work. 2020 is going to be a huge transition year in my job on many levels; I will skip for now all the projection on that, but pretty sure lots of things will look different at my work this time next year. And personally, the year is ending on an exciting note as well: Dan and I interviewing contractors for the plans we have here at the Midtown house. Some of you have been following that story very closely over the years and know it’s been a Long Road. Once we hire a contractor, we are clear to pull permits and hope to start construction in the Spring. It will consist of an external makeover of the existing 120-year old duplex where I live, and construction of another modern duplex on the vacant land next to it. Once we get going on it I may decide to do a blog to follow the progress there. So maybe more to come on that.
That’s probably about all I have to say right now. Mostly I wanted to test the blog because it’s been giving me some problems lately and my tech support hasn’t been all that helpful, so I wanted to make sure things would work. I’m hoping it’s just a problem on the backend and things will still post fine. I guess I’ll find out in a moment!

Just adding this because 1. every post needs a photo! and 2. just still testing functionality.
See you all on the other side if you choose to follow along1
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