We both got up about 5:30am, the first in the household. Not a surprise. I got the blog up and then dealt with some technical issues, still unresolved. (If you’re a subscriber who got here via Facebook and wondered where your email was – I’m aware and working on it!)

Once that was done, we went out to walk the dog a bit and get some coffee. We went to our default place when we’re here, Noble Coffee Roasting. It’s a pretty dog friendly place and there were lots of dogs on the way in and out for Zeus to say “hi” to.
This is the front of the house during the daytime.

We got back to the house and started on breakfast for the gang. We noticed when we got here yesterday that there wasn’t a coffee maker. The host lives in another house behind this one on the same lot and said hers broke so she took this one and would get us another. This morning, she left the machine itself on the back steps, but there was no carafe. Not sure what we were supposed to do with that! So, on the left, we went for what Ash called “cowboy coffee” which was in a pan on the stove and then scooping it out.
Once I was done with the bacon, Ash used the grease to make hash browns from scratch with some eggs on top. It was all gone along with the 2 pounds of bacon we fried by the time everyone was up and got their fill.

After breakfast, Ash, Erick, and I went to the little town of Central Point, about 25 minutes north of here just past Medford on I-5. And apparently established in 1889 according to the banner on the streetlight.
The point of this excursion was Rogue Creamery, an award-winning cheese place that’s been making cheese here in this location since 1933. According to Wiki, “Rogue may be the first American creamery to command worldwide respect.” The guy behind the counter was very helpful. We were giving him a hard time about the “world’s best cheese” sign for their Rogue River Blue. “That’s quite a statement,” we said. But sure enough: in 2019 it became the first Amercian cheesery to be named World Champion at the World Cheese Awards in Bergamo, Italy. Not bad for a little hole in the wall like this, huh?
We tasted three of them and, yeah, they were pretty good. The original owner brought mold, cultures and recipes for his blue cheese from Roquefort, France.
We had him vacuum seal some choices for us that we want to keep until Thanksgiving, and he said they will be fine that way.
There was a bakery next door, and we stopped to pick up some dessert items for the evening.

At 1:30pm we had our first show, Coriolanus. It was at the Thomas Theatre, the smallest of the 3, seating about 200 people. It was packed. The show was – OK. We all agreed the 2nd act was better than the first, the primary problem being the first act was too long at an hour and 20 minutes. The story was set in early Roman times and had political themes that seemed oddly current. There were a lot of characters, most of them men, being played by an all-female cast with most of them taking on multiple roles. So, at times for me confusing. But tremendous performances, nonetheless. It’s one of those shows where, even if I’m not wild about the story, I deeply appreciate the work that went into telling it.
We came back to the house and relaxed a bit before dinner. Ash had several appetizers before the main dish which was, we joked, a tub of pasta. The kitchen here is a bit lacking so we’ve learned to make do! And the dish was great.

Our evening show was at 8pm at the Elizabethan theater, my favorite of the three. It is built intentionally to somewhat mimic the famous Globe Theater in London, where Shakespeare works were put on for Queen Elizabeth and is still in operation. They each seat just under 1200.
The show was Much Ado about Nothing and was super enjoyable. A romantic comedy, it was a nice shift from the sort of war story we had in this afternoon, and the performances were great. While not a musical, there were nice moments of music and singing – quite well done – which I didn’t expect and really enjoyed. It was a nice way to spend the evening.

The desserts we picked up that morning: one serving each of passion fruit cheesecake, carrot cake, German chocolate cake, Boston cream pie, and a chocolate-on-chocolate cupcake. All delicious.
And of course, we sang “Happy Birthday” for Ash.
Today is light in comparison with just one matinee show at 1:30pm and probably a visit to Jacksonville up the road. We’ll see tomorrow how it all turns out.
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Happy Belated to Ash!! Looks like you’re having a grand ol time!! Always enjoy your blog.
Always good to have you along!