
Africa: Botswana & Zimbabwe Safari – Pre-Departure

2023 marks my 11th year of travel blogging, with 25 trips that have made it to the blog (not counting the miscellaneous ones under the [...]

2023 PVR: Day 3 (2/15) – still sick but made it to our best meal yet at Cafe des Artistes

I woke up feeling a little better but not great; and Ash got sick during the night. But we have different symptoms. Mine seems to [...]

2023 PVR: Day 2 (2/14) – a bit of a sick day; back to Trio for V-Day dinner

I went to bed on Monday not feeling great and woke up on Tuesday feeling worse, although I managed to sleep about 8 hours. My [...]

2023 PVR: Day 1 (2/13) – Hanging with friends, and fun show in the evening

On Monday, I got up a little before 5am, clocking over 7 hours of sleep which is a lot for me. Ash got up not [...]

2023 NYC: Day 3 – “The Collaboration”, a great meal with family

I slept a bit over 7 hours, which was both nice and unusual for me, getting up just before 7am. Mind you that's like sleeping [...]

2023 NYC: Day 2 – “Take Me Out” was the surprise hit of the day; also “Leopoldstadt”

I woke up around 6am on Saturday and Ash was up not too long after me. We took Zeus out to do his thing quickly [...]

2023 NYC: Day 1, Friends, Family, and Audra McDonald

We had such a good time in New York City last year at this time we decided to do it again. We typically plan our [...]

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