
Day 7: Intro to the Galapagos Islands; my first time snorkeling!

We were both up early and easily made our 6:30am "bags out" call. Breakfast was in the courtyard outside our room. We left for the [...]

Days 5 and 6: Cusco to Guayaquil – with weaving demonstrations, alpacas, and monkeys

This is being written Tuesday evening, May 28, covering the last 2 days. Monday morning, the day after Machu Picchu, I was up about 4:30am. [...]

Day 2, Lima Main Plaza, the Cathedral, and horrific traffic

I got up about 5:30am on Friday, May 24, which is sleeping in for me. I got started on the blog and Ash got up [...]

2024: Machu Picchu and Galapagos, Pre-Departure

It seems like it's been forever since I've blogged about traveling. Puerta Vallarta in February didn't really count for so many reasons, so it's really [...]

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